Saturday, August 7, 2010

As Phil Collins would say, "Take A Look At Me Now"

Hello and welcome to Melody Junkie, THE source for information on songwriting, top 40 analyses... and random musings on Meatloaf. I've decided to start this blog to offer my advice on writing pop songs, as well as to critique modern day pop songs for their failure/success at planting ear worms.

A bit about me: Put on some Motown and I'll be your best friend. I spend nearly every waking minute (hey, we all need time to eat and watch WB dramadies) thinking about the craft of songwriting. Over the years, through my many missteps as an artist/songwriter (neo-grunge, neo-pop-punk, depressing singer/songwriter dreck), I've learned a few things about the intangible creative process of songwriting. An ever-shifting balance of inspiration and nose-to-the-grindstone revision, songwriting is an art that no two people approach the same way. For some, a song starts with the lyrics. For others, it's a catchy little melody heard in a dream (See Paul McCartney's "Scrambled Eggs.") Writing off any approach to songwriting is a surefire way to end up staring at a blank page whilst listening to a song on the radio that a more open-minded songwriter wrote. My advice for writing great songs is to yes, study the structures of hit songs, but keep an open mind and allow yourself to approach songwriting from new perspectives.

This blog is for the songwriter and pop music devotee. I intend on offering my songwriting advice, including tips on everything from inspiration and arrangement. A fan of nearly every period of popular music (yes, even mid-90s slow-ham R&B, I love that stuff!), I also plan on showcasing songwriters from different eras, everything from the punch-the-clock songwriting of the Tin Pan Alley era on up to top 40 maestros like Dr. Luke and Max Martin.

I hope this blog is enjoyable to everyone who appreciates a good melody and the simple joy of a catchy song. I also hope that I can offer some advice to songwriters. Heck, I hope I learn something or two from this thing. At least it will be something to turn to when I've got songwriter's block. Oh........I'll be here often.

Drop me a line and let me know how I'm doing. Leave a comment and give your suggestions on writing pre-choruses. Tease me about my love for bloated mainstream music (I'll still eat it up).


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