Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Michael Buble "Haven't Met You Yet"

I saw Michael Buble perform on some soccer mom early show (probably "The Early Show") a few years ago and they touted him as some "authentic" jazz singer, singing Billie Holiday and such. Stupid me, I didn't appreciate jazz at the time and promptly changed channels.  Flash forward N years later and I'm in love with Buble's summer 2009 single, "Haven't Met You Yet." This jaunty little pop song has managed to cling to the pop charts a year later. On second thought, "cling" is not the appropriate word here; he's living inside the hit radio palace with this one.

It's a rare case where I'm willing to look past the "Love Actually"-worthy lyrics and bounce along to the song's superbly-crafted melodies. Buble is like the Sandra Bollock of pop song lyrics. The lyrics are like a bad romantic comedy, but I have to keep listening cause in actuality I'm a hopeless romantic/melodic. Plus the guy can SING, styling the melody with crooner inflections here and there, taking this song places a lesser singer couldn't have.

"Haven't Met You Yet" is half Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" and half Sara Bareilles' "Love Song." In this case that's a great thing, as I love both of those songs. And the song's bugle call reminds me a bit of "Penny Lane," too. Keep on piling on those pop song nods Mr. Buble, whether intentional or not.

This song really stands out on modern radio, sort of sounding like some lost 90s hit. But, I'm curious as to what Buble's next single may be. I'm worried he may be a one trick Canuck, but heck, "I just haven't heard it yet..."

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